Pioneer Song Contest Winners!
On Feb. 1st, 2017, Pioneer Academy held a song contest in our school auditorium. A few weeks prior to the song contest, students selected songs and performed them in front of staff judges in hopes of getting spots in the final round of the contest. After the audition, students were given feedback and 13 students were chosen to continue to the final round.Unlike the talent show we had in the beginning of this year, the song contest was an event that had specific requirements, which created a challenge. Students must prepare and improve their vocal skills and interpretation of the song that they performed, whereas the talent show format was very improvisatory in nature.There were 13 students who participated in this song contest (grades 2-8) and every single student brought some very original elements to it. The song selections consisted of various genres of music starting with rock and ending with pop. There were 3 top first prize winners who were rewarded with a kindle and canteen monetary credit. Everyone else was awarded a certificate with exclusive titles such as The Prize of Showbiz, The Greatest Interpretation, The Most Collaborative Performance, and The Most Influential Performance.The top 3 winners were Zekerijah Halilovic, Zulu Vural, Sami Qattous.On behalf of Pioneer Academy's Journalism Club, we would like to congratulate the winners and personally thank Mr. Bajrami for putting such a wonderful event together for our students. Rza MollaevSenior Editor
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