Pioneer Students Participate in Hour of Code!
Pioneer Academy students participated along with 180+ countries in the Hour of Code during Computer Science Education week (Dec 5 - Dec 11). We were among 15 million students who participated worldwide!The Hour of Code is a nationwide initiative to introduce computer science concepts to students and encourage them to learn computer programming. There are many new and emerging unfilled computer science job opportunities out there. But whether they end up going into the computer science field or not, coding teaches problem solving skills that are important in everyday life.KG to 8th grade participated an "unplugged" lesson based on their grade level. The unplugged lesson is a hands-on activity that explores computer science concepts through engaging real-life examples and games. Upon completing the "unplugged" activity that doesn't involve using the computer at all, students were given one hour on to practice coding using familiar characters such as Minecraft, Star Wars, Angry Birds, and Moana.All students celebrated by having ice pops at lunch. Students who were able to complete one or more of the Hour of Code puzzles received a certificate at an assembly held on Dec. 13, 2016. At that time, we also announced the winners of the 8th grade Living Wax Museum.The 8th grade students researched a famous or not so famous person who has contributed to the Computers field. They finished a biography report, timeline, poster, and performed amonologue. On Wed. 11/30, they presented themselves as the person they researched about to other students and staff at the 8th grade Living Wax Museum. As a class, they represented Vinton Gray Cerf, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Alan Turing, Charles Babbage, Bill Gates, Jawed Karim, Shafi Goldwasser, Michael Dell, Grace Hopper, Larry Page, and Hadi Partovi who is the founder of!Congratulations to all students who earned a certificate for completing the Hour of Code.Congratulations to the winners of the 8th grade Living Wax Museum:1st place- Oskan Kahyaoglu (Steve Jobs) 2nd place- Zekerijah Halilovic (Vinton Gray Cerf) and Mehmet Kucukdugenci (Charles Babbage) 3rd place- Sami Qattous (Bill Gates).Ms. Amal Fouad
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