Upper School students need to fulfill the following requirements for graduation.
Graduation Requirements
To qualify for the early graduation program, a student who is not on a student visa must meet the following criteria:
General Information
Grade Level Requirements
- The student must be in 9th or 10th grade at the time of application.
- Students in 11th grade may apply but will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the School's administration based on academic history, ability to meet graduation requirements, and other relevant factors.
- 8th-grade students who meet the eligibility criteria may participate in the honors program, allowing them to take high school courses that count toward early graduation requirements.
Academic Performance
At the time of application, the student must have an unweighted GPA of 3.90 or higher, verified through official transcripts.
Standardized Testing
- Middle school applicants (8th grade) must provide MAP test scores (Math and Reading) demonstrating academic readiness. (90% and above)
- Upper school applicants (9th–11th (incoming) grades) must provide PSAT scores as part of their application to demonstrate college readiness. (90% and above)
Discipline Record
The student must have a clean or satisfactory discipline record, with no severe infractions or patterns of disruptive behavior. The administration reserves the right to assess this criterion based on school records and disciplinary reports.
Teacher Recommendations
The student must submit a minimum of two teacher recommendations from their current school. These recommendations should evaluate the student's academic ability, work ethic, and readiness for accelerated graduation.
Personal Statement
The students must submit a personal statement (500–750 words) explaining their motivation for pursuing early graduation, future goals, and how they plan to handle the challenges of an accelerated program.
Credit Requirements for 9th & 10th Graders
- 9th-grade applicants must have earned at least 40 academic credits by the time of application.
- 10th-grade applicants must have earned at least 80 academic credits by the time of application.
Tuition fees for 3 years (applying before starting 9th grade): After the School Administration reviews and approves eligibility, the Business Office will share the relevant information about tuition fees, as the student will still be responsible for 12th-grade tuition.
Additional Costs: Pioneer Academy will cover the cost of up to 10 credits for courses taken through approved partner institutions such as Educere and Acellus Academy. Any additional courses beyond this limit, required to meet graduation requirements, will be the financial responsibility of the parent. All courses must receive prior approval from the school before enrollment.
Optional 12th Grade Study: If the student decides to study for the full 12th-grade academic year instead of graduating early, 50% of the annual tuition must be paid for that year.
Termination of Early Graduation: If the student decides to terminate their early graduation plan and continue on a traditional upper school schedule, no refund of previously paid tuition will be issued.
Late Entry Tuition Calculation: For students applying to the program after completing 9th or 10th grade, tuition for the remaining years of the program will be calculated on a prorated basis by the School’s Business Office. The adjusted tuition amount will be communicated to the student and their guardian in writing before enrollment.
Payment Schedule: Tuition fees are due in full at the beginning of each academic year or as per the agreed-upon payment plan. Failure to pay tuition fees may result in the termination of this Contract and forfeiture of the student's enrollment status.
The school will regularly monitor the student's academic progress and provide necessary support and guidance to ensure timely completion of requirements.
Coursework and Credits: The student must complete all required coursework and accumulate the necessary credits as per the curriculum outlined by the School. The student must complete missing credits from colleges/community colleges or accredited online institutions, subject to the school's approval.
The student agrees to maintain satisfactory attendance and actively participate in all classes, meetings, and activities deemed necessary by the School for successful completion of the curriculum.